Automated Code Review in Ruby

Today I wanted to review automating code review inside of ruby. Their meeting great open source projects to help make sure you are sticking to an idiomatic way of coding in ruby. The main one I will focus on today is Robocop and Robocop-git. [Rubocop] ( an open source gym for ruby that will review your project and let you know of any “best practices” you are not adhering too....

May 9, 2016 · 3 min · 537 words · Nic Ollis

Live on YouTube

Program Practical is now on youtube. This month I am moving to a bi-media format with blog post going to start coming out weekly on Program Practical, as well weekly video post on YouTube. These post will cover a range of programming topics, from progress updates, coding tutorials, and coding news. I will be currently be focused more on Ruby and Rails, but might jump into C++, Python, and other languages depending on my current project or topic request....

May 2, 2016 · 1 min · 168 words · Nic Ollis

April showers bring in some changes

We are officially into april now I figured I would do my monthly wrap up and planning blog. March was an okayish month. If you follow along you would noticed I only ended up posting 3 times last month. While I am working on studying a lot I have started looking at developer jobs. With this I’m not posting too much about the places or the journey but it has shaped a bit about what I will be doing this month....

April 9, 2016 · 2 min · 296 words · Nic Ollis

Live Streaming

It’s been a bit between post. With the holidays things tend to get busy with my family. I have started live streaming some coding. I’m hoping to make it a more regular thing, although I’m trying to work it into a fixed point on in my week. After editing some of the dead points of the live stream I plan to release the video’s on youtube. The current live stream is following me along as I’m adding a new feature to the open sourced project rubocop-git....

March 31, 2016 · 2 min · 347 words · Nic Ollis

Tossing in The Towel for Windows

Well sadly more and more I find myself programming on my Mac over my Windows machine. While I still believe windows is a great platform for programming even in Ruby it’s all come down to one thing. Time. The more projects I work on the more gems I get exposed to and the more errors those gems produce due to not being testing or just no support for windows. While this may be addressable by installing a linux wrapper like cygwin onto the windows system I have not personally gave it a try....

March 17, 2016 · 3 min · 472 words · Nic Ollis

Kicking off a new month

March is upon us and I just finished up One Month Rails. While I did enjoy the class I have to say even coming from someone who is new to Rails it went insanely slow at the beginning allowing me to finish the whole course in about a week. However, I will say there explanation and run through of a MVC framework was amazing. I have worked in them before but feel I have a better understanding now than I ever had in the past....

March 8, 2016 · 2 min · 360 words · Nic Ollis