It’s been a pretty crazy February for me. However, I wanted to take some time just to catch up on progress and whats going on.
I’m just passed the 1/2 mark of “Learn Ruby The Hard Way”. Hopefully with some free time and extra boost of determination I got this last week I should be able to close the gap and finish this book up in the next week or two.
This last Wednesday I got the pleasure of attending the Indy.rb meetup group. I can confirm that what people say is true and Ruby does have one of the most open and friendly communities. As well my worries about Ruby jobs in Indy have mostly been quenched, as I learned of several job openings and emailed one of the people there who said he would provide a list of all the Ruby on Rails employers in the area he knows of who are hiring. Over all its a pretty exciting aspect that I might not be to hard to get a Ruby on Rails job in the area hopefully sometime soon.
On the social front I uploaded a bunch of code the other day to GitHub. While none if its in Ruby it some of my key projects from learning to code in languages like C++, Java, JavaScript, C#, and Python. Hopefully they will be getting some Ruby friends soon! I have also started recording videos for a youtube channel that will hopefully launch next month depending on free time for setting things up.
While I got to close this out I would like to say thanks for following along in my journey to becoming an Junior Developer, as well as the first official post on my new blog “Program Practical”! More site edits are to come, I just wanted to get it done enough to start releasing content on it as I like to keep up with my every other day postings.
As always thanks for reading, and follow me on twitter for more daily updates and post on my journey from Senior IT Admin to Junior Developer.