
With my Front End Developer Certificate behind me I start the next leg of my journey. I am mainly following the guidelines laid out in in Joshua kemp’s book “No Degree No Problem”. As of Monday I officially started working though the book Learning to Program by Chris Pine.

Right off the bat I’m enjoying Ruby but it is very odd programming in a language without curly brackets. As the majority of my time programming as been on in C based languages I find this one a little odd.

However laying out the plans I will spend this month focusing on two things. Getting though Learning to program and Learn Ruby the Hard Way. As well as finishing up my portfolio site. Once done with the books I’ll be moving onto the online course “One Month Rails”. This should take me into April, when I will going back to Free Code Camp! However its mostly to redo the algorithm challenges in the Ruby language. Particularly the Intermediate and Advance challenges. Last real learning from here other than open source projects and freelance work until getting hired will be completing the “Michael Hartl’s Rails Tutorial”.

It’ll be a crazy half year, as well during this time I’ll be looking a potential web development jobs, that if landed could throw things off schedule if they have tech they want me to learn but one day at a time. However the overall plan listed in my first post stays the same. Study 21 hours per week. Attend 4–5 meetups a month, although as I’m finding it might be more like 2–4 due to regularity in meetup events. I’ll be posting on here, or possibly my own blog if I decided to run one myself, at least 3 time a week and on twitter daily.

I’ll also be launching another channel here soon, more to come on that as plans form.

As always thanks for reading, and follow me on twitter for more daily updates and post on my journey from Senior IT Admin to Junior Developer.