We all start somewhere I suppose. I’ve been “learning” to code for over 5 years now. Yet, here I am a Senior IT Administrator, not a programmer with very few projects to show of my years or “learning”. Its easy not to stay focus on one project or another, or wanting to jump to the newest language. I made a promise to myself, that this would be the year I hunker down, study, and apply for jobs as a Junior Developer.

I’m hoping to track my journey well so that others that are attempting to self teach themselves might not lose 5 years like I did. As well hoping just to have public accountability for studying and staying on schedule.

While I plan on posting soon the full plan and how I got on this road I will start tonight with posting a brief overview.

I plan on studying coding for 21 hours a week. Broken down into about 2–3 hours days M-F, ~6–8h on Sat, and what ever is left on Sun. I also plan on posting 2–3 Medium post a week with hoping 3–4 tweets / day detailing and following my journey. There is also a goal for going to 4–5 coding meetup/events a month. Unfortunately I live in Bloomington and the groups are limited, so a 50–70 mile drive is needed for most events. Although I’m working hard to try and work 1 trip a week into my schedule.

Got to start somewhere.